Sherry Laymon, Author

Gary William Jones’ Review

“PFEIFFER COUNTRY is a great read and instant “must have” book for those of us with an interest in Arkansas cultural and heritage tourism in general and the history of NorthEAST Arkansas in particular. Plenty of “research rigor”,
footnotes, and statistics to satisfy the hardcore historians and academics (you know who you are 🙂 and loads of anecdotes for those of us fellow-travelers who just like good stories and vernacular history.

Who knew, for example, that one can fluff up heirloom quilts by putting them out in the sun? Or what about lighting cornstalk fires under recalcitrant mules to get them moving? All useful information from PFEIFFER COUNTRY.

Congratulations upon a successful publishing debut. Look forward to your
forthcoming books.”

Gary William Jones
Little Rock, AR

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Pfeiffer Country is a non-fiction examination of a southern Twentieth Century tenant farming operation in which the farmers actually prospered. Contrary to most tenant farm operators in the Mississippi Delta, Paul Pfeiffer--Ernest Hemingway's father-in-law, ran a profitable tenant system during the most trying years of the Depression. Laymon's research and interviews with former Pfeiffer tenants provide many rich and refreshing details about a successful counter-model farming operation that greatlycontrasted similar systems in the Mississippi Delta.

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